Sunday, March 10, 2013

we like to play...

And once again it has been more than 2 months since the last post. Sorry!

Things have changed quite a bit in the past 2 months. Levi is on the move! He is walking, running, climbing and getting into everything. We've taken swimming lessons (this was where he learned how to crawl up and onto things), gone to a kid-friendly bouncy play house, and spent some time at the park.

Levi really enjoyed the swim lessons, eventually. :) He relaxed and floated, with help, of course, played with a ball (loves those things!) and even went down a slide and "off" the diving board. We accomplished our goal of having him feel comfortable in the water and enjoy it but he has not yet learned how to swim. :)

Showing off his "beach body" in the locker room before the last class

Last weekend we spent the afternoon with Megan, Dave, and Adelaide Kriebel at Qdoba and then Monkey Joe's. When we got inside Monkey Joe's the 4 adults looked at each other and said something along the lines of "well, now we're officially parents." Ha! It was a crazy busy place with blow up castles, slides, bouncy houses and LOTS of kids. We managed to stay for 1 hour and all of us, kids included, were tired! We did have fun, though. :)

Levi and Adelaide kept holding hands on the way to Monkey Joe's

Levi was not too excited about the bouncy house...

 He did finally warm up to it, though

He especially loved climbing into this bouncy castle that had a slide! That is where we spent most of the time, again and again and again and again... :)

Today the weather was great, albeit windy, and we decided to head out after church to the playground at Eastside Elementary. We found the little kids playground and Levi enjoyed the slides and climbing up the stairs.

Smiling on the way!

Big boy climbing up the stairs, without help!

He even made it across the wobbly bridge :)

He seemed to like to go down the slide head first... Kyle caught him so it was all good. 

He was not as big of a fan going down normally, but he caught on

Spinny things!

A little father-son bonding over fake airplane controls :)

So, in the past few months we've been busy playing! Levi keeps us on our toes but keeps us laughing and happy. What did we do before him? :)