Thursday, May 17, 2012

... lots of firsts!

I can't believe it has been almost 1 month since the last post. Oops! Since that time we've had lots of firsts around here. Here are some of the highlights!

1. First trip to Gray's Brother's Cafeteria in Mooresville (Johnson family, please appreciate this!!! :)

It was Great Grandma Johnson's 88th birthday and our 5th anniversary!

2. First trip to the Lucas Oil Raceway in Indianapolis and first time to get in a Nascar

This was Kyle's Christmas present... a 4 lap ride along... unfortunately, before Kyle got to ride, the car broke down. We rescheduled and we'll go back in June. This will be Levi's second trip to the raceway... ha.

3. First trip to the Indianapolis (or any) zoo

We went with Megan, Dave, and Adelaide Kriebel on the Saturday of Mother's day weekend

4. First trip to a semi-pro baseball game - the Indianapolis Indians

After the zoo we decided to take the rest of our picnic from lunch and get lawn seats and watch a game. The weather was great and Levi was a trooper. It was a busy, busy day!

5. First Mother's Day!

6. First picnic at Mounds State Park

Mother's Day with Don Deena, Great Grandpa Don and Great Grandma. Levi joined in the party sitting in his Bumbo seat

7. First church softball game

Doubleheader... Park Place won both games and Levi fell asleep...

8. First time in a swing!

Much to my disappointment, Levi wasn't as excited as I thought he would be to swing but he was very content to be pushed and pushed and pushed... and chew and chew and chew on his fingers (still no teeth but they are coming!)

9. First time to sit up alone!!

Haven't caught this on camera yet but Papa John, Gigi and Kyle and I have witnessed this.
(this picture was snapped when he was still sitting up but he fell over fast enough that I didn't catch it...)

Whew! That was a lot! We are really enjoying having Levi around. Our lives have definitely been changed for the better. Stay tuned for more. :)