Saturday, June 9, 2012

... Levi update

Good morning, all. Just wanted to share 2 of the new things that Mr. Levi is up to... sitting alone and eating solid food!

He started sitting during a Skype call with Papa John and Gigi almost 2 weeks ago. It took forever to get a picture to prove it because every time we'd go to get the camera, he'd decide to fall over. :)

Big boy sitting up!

the boppy pillow is more of a precaution... I feel better letting him sit alone and play knowing that IF he falls back it is a softer landing... fun new toy in front that weebles and wobbles and sings!

Today we started solid food. We (or should I say, I) decided to start with avocado "the perfect food." I used our Baby Bullet (thanks, Tami!) and made a batch of avocado puree (yummmy). Levi didn't seem to mind the food too much and hopefully he likes it because that's what he gets to eat for the next 3 days. I am going to have fun making baby food with the little bullet.

4 servings of avocado puree

all ready to eat!

not too sure about it but not a disaster, either :)

ready to be done and take a nap... big boy food is hard work!
and it somehow ended up in his hair, hands, shirt, bib, tray, and of course, his face...

Enjoy the pics and stay tuned for more!