Monday, August 8, 2011

and then there were 3, well, almost...

So, I have made it back to the blogging world... only after 3 months! I had been staying away because I couldn't share our exciting news (yep, if you haven't heard, come December there will be 3 Davys to report on!) and then, I wanted to wait to share the news of boy or girl. So here is the long awaited (perhaps) blog to catch you up on the latest Davy doings.

We are pregnant! We found out in April and then discovered this was going to be a Christmas baby. Yep, due date = Christmas 2011. Not really sure how I feel about a Christmas baby but I do know how I feel about a baby - excited!

We (and I think I just mean I in this case) had a lot of fun figuring out fun ways to tell our closest family and friends that we were pregnant. Some highlights - a Mastercard commercial for my parents, Thing 1 and Thing 2 onesies for Megan and Dave, a cookout at our house for the whole Davy clan, aunt and uncle t-shirts for my brother and sister-in-law. It was such an exciting secret to finally get to share!

Once the news was out the waiting game still wasn't over. Had to make it to the all-important mark of week 18 (for those of you out of the pregnancy loop - 40 weeks is full term, 18 weeks is usually when you have an ultrasound that can show gender). We decided to play the game a little differently and not find out at the ultrasound. I can hear some of you saying, "What?!" Let me explain...

I had heard a brilliant idea to have a cake reveal the gender. A blue cake means a boy and a pink cake means a girl - the cake itself NOT the icing. No, that does not mean the baker gets to decide boy/girl (although my doctor thought that when I told her... hmmm). We had the ultrasound tech seal the gender in an envelope and we gave the envelope to the baker... after we finally found one... that was a saga in itself. Anyway, my parents and Will and Mandy were in town, Kyle's family is always here, so are my grandparents and one aunt, two of my other aunts were coming to see Will and Mandy......... translation = lots of family in town. My in-laws graciously hosted a cookout so we could all get together and enjoy food and games and then THE CAKE! It was surprisingly easy to wait to cut the cake.

Here are some shots from that exciting event...

Awaiting the cake cutting... note the pink AND blue shirt :)
 Cornhole - Grandpa Don and Mandy
 Cornhole and chatty ladies
 Hanging out around the food
Getting ready to cut the cake - will it be pink or blue? 

 and the cake was BLUE - it's a boy!

And so, this update concludes with the all important news: on or around December 25, 2011, we will be joined by a little boy :) We are super excited! Hope you'll keep checking in on this adventure. We have a lot to share! 

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