Monday, September 5, 2011

... the little guy

This is just a short blog to show some pics of the little guy... and the one who is currently carrying him... We/I had every intention of taking those infamous belly pictures a little more frequently than we have so right now there are only 2...

@ 9 weeks and @ 24 weeks...

The more interesting shots are the pics of the little guy - who still has no name. These were taken at the 18 week ultrasound, before the cake party. Some are super cute and some are super alien-like. Enjoy.

It's a boy!

 This one is a bit creepy - but cool 3D shot

 Look, a yawn :)

We don't have any more ultrasounds scheduled so the next shots you'll see of this little guy will be in December, when he's here! There should be more shots of the mama though.......... 

Happy labor day! :)

1 comment:

amandajojohnson said...

I can't wait to meet him! Love you guys!