Tuesday, January 17, 2012

... 1 month old!

It is hard to believe but Levi is already one month old! Even though it has only been 1 month but it is hard to remember life without him. It is also hard to believe how much he has changed in just 1 month.

Here's a quick glance at Levi over the 1st month of his life.

6 pounds, 15 ounces at birth...

Hanging out with mom

Big truck, little guy

Monkeying around with dad

Sleepy time

Bath time

Merry Christmas, 2011!

Love from Uncle Will and Aunt Mandy

New Year's Eve with the Davy cousins - Jayce 11, Linkin 7, Reagan 6, Hayden 3, Shawn 4 months, Levi 2 weeks

Levi and Adelaide Kriebel (first date) 

All dressed up and ready for church

Such a big boy! 9 pounds, 4 ounces and 21 inches long :)

Life is different with a little guy whose main goals in life are sleeping, peeing, pooping, stretching... but so much fun! We love being parents and are really enjoying watching Levi change and grow.

More to come...

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